Jawaban 100 Doors Games Escape From School Level 61-70

This Kunci Jawaban 100 Doors Games Escape From School Level 61-70. Lengkap dengan pembahasanya mengenai dunia game puzzle lainnya. Game 100 Doors ini banyak yang memainkan,  selain asyik juga bisa mengasah ketelitian mata didalam menentukan pilihan.

Dengan adanya Kunci Jawaban 100 Doors Games Escape From School Level 61-70 semoga bisa membantu temen temen untuk mengerjakan semua level pada Game 100 Doors ini dengan mudah dan cepat.

Jawaban 100 Doors Games Escape From School Level 61-70

Berikut adalah Kunci Jawaban 100 Doors Games Escape From School Level 61-70 yang sudah Kang Yusuf siapkan untuk temen temen semuanya disini dan saling share ke temen temen lainnya ya.

Video 100 Doors Level 61-70

100 Doors Level 61

Tap on the microscope on the desk to view a diagram of animals and plants. Tap pairs of items in the diagram or drag and drop them to swap them over with others. Rearrange the items in the diagram to place then in a correct order. Show

100 Doors Level 62

Tap the pile of broken glass items on the floor in front of the door. Drag to move and double tap to rotate the pieces to fit them together to form 4 glass containers.
Place the in the correct places on the table to finish.

100 Doors Level 63

The 3 piles of books on the ground are a puzzle. To solve the puzzle you must pile the books in order of size (largest at the bottom) onto the central white board. You can only move 1 book at a time and only place a book on an empty spot or on a book that is bigger.

This is a tough challenge, concentrate on moving the books around so that you can move the largest red book onto the center spot and then work to pile the books on it in the right order.

100 Doors Level 64

Tap on the lower shelf on the left to collect a hammer and also an orange bottle. Tap below the sink to collect a plunger. Use the plunger in the sink to collect a small ball. Use the hammer on the crack in the wall to the top right of the door. Hit it until you can tap to collect a second small ball.

Tap the box on the table to the left to see a puzzle with balls with numbered dots on them. Use the orange bottle to clean it and then place the 2 balls on the puzzle. Roman numerals will appear. Move the balls around the puzzle to place them in the correct spots to match the roman numerals.

The box will open and you can collect a key, use the key to open the door

100 Doors Level 65

Tap on the board on the right to view a list of gods and other theological names. Notice also the drawing of columns. This is a symbol used before in the game for Greece. Tap and drag the red pen item on the bottom of the board to each of the names to cross them out.

You want to cross out all of the names that are not Greek gods. If you make a mistake the board will reset for you to start again.

100 Doors Level 66

To the left of the dark room is a candle, drag this around the room to illuminate parts of it and find 4 notes with letters and a numbers.

Gamma = 4
Alpha = 6
Beta = 3
Delta = 1
Enter the code Show to turn on the light and open the door.

100 Doors Level 67

Tap the board on the wall to the left of the door to see a sports puzzle. There are 8 sports icons and 8 numbers ranging from 32 to Infinity. tap to match pairs, the matches are a sport with the amount of time a match//event takes. In some cases the sport does not have a time limit so the infinity symbol is used.

100 Doors Level 68

Tap to collect the blue bowl from the table on the left, the white bowl from the bench and the red bowl from the chair on the right. Notice the picture on the wall with the three coloured bowls.

Drag each bowl to the scales on the bench to weight them, make a note of the numbers. 560g, 405000mg, 2Kg. Add these up to get a number in grams. Use this number Show on the keypad to open the door.

100 Doors Level 69

Tap the board to view a maths problem. The triangle has 9 numbers around it, you can drag and drop these numbers to swap their positions. There is also the number 20 written on the corner. To solve this arrange the numbers so that each side of the triangle adds up to 20.

100 Doors Level 70

Tap the towel dispenser by the door to collect a scrap of paper. Tap the desk draw on the left to open it and then again to collect another scrap of paper.Tap the eye chart above the bed for a third scrap of paper. Tap the bin to open it and collect a fourth. From the tear patterns on the paper work out the order they are in.

Tilt your device to the left to make a monitor roll into view then tap it to see the screen. It will display 4 heart rate traces. Tap the blue buttons to the left to change them. Match the order of the traces to those on the paper scraps in the right order. Once they are all correct read the 4 digit code from the bottom of the screen.

Use this code Show on the keypad to open the door.

100 Doors Games Escape From School Level 61-70

Sekian deh artikel seputar dunia Game puzzle dari Kang Yusuf yang berjudul Jawaban 100 Doors Games Escape From School Level 61-70. Semoga membantu temen temen didalam mengerjakan semua soalnya game 100 doors ini ya. Jangan lupa berbagi pada temen temen lainnya yah.