The Answer Key Tricky Puzzle Brain Test Game All Levels 1-100 + Walkthrough

 The Answer Key Tricky Puzzle Brain Test Game All Levels 1-100 + Walkthrough

The Answer Key Tricky Puzzle Brain Test Game All Levels 1-100 + Walkthrough. Following are the key answers to the tricky puzzle brain test game of all levels and walkthroughs. This game is popular all over the world, where users have only reached 84,000. quite fantastic with this new game but already famous.


The Answer Key Tricky Puzzle Brain Test Level 1-50

The Answer Key Tricky Puzzle Brain Test Level 1 - 20

Level 1
Q: Which one is the biggest?
A: Lion.

Level 2
Q: Find the hidden number.
A: Move rock out away. The hidden number is 40.

Level 3
Q: Burn everything.
A: Burn couch and household objects. Burn word ‘everything’ in the text.

Level 4
Q: How many holes are in the shirt?
A: 8

Level 5
Q: Make flower blossom,
A: Move clouds away to reveal sun.

Level 6
Q: Which one is closest to us?
A: Tap moon.

Level 7
Q: Click animals from smallest to biggest.
A: Tap mouse, lion, elephant and click submit.

Level 8
Q: Catch 5 falling apples.
A: Tap only apples falling.

Level 9
Q: Where is the rabbit?
A: Put eyes on cabbage, two carrots as ears, white carrot as nose.

Level 10
A: 15.

Level 11
A: Slide arrow left off screen to unlock.

Level 12
Q: Feed cat.
A: put treats on word “cat” in the text.

Level 13
Q: Find the green ball.
A: Combine yellow and blue ball = green ball.

Level 14
A: Longest month is February (most letters)

Level 15
A: Use finger to place word ‘Curiousity’ from text onto cat.

Level 16
Q: Count the pizza slices.
A: Move the pizzas and count them. 9 in total.

Level 17
To turn off the dangerous kettle, tap the red button on the front of it, which is the on/off button.

Level 18
Q: Who wins between 100 knights and 100 barbarians?
A: Move 100 from knights to barbarians 100.

Level 19
Q: Figure out which monkey is carsick.
A: Shake device to make them sick.

Level 20
Q: Stop the baby’s crying.
A: Turn phone upside down.


The Answer Key Tricky Puzzle Brain Test Level 21-40

Level 21
Q: Click the blue button six times.
A: Click until red button appears > Move red button away > tap blue button again.

Level 22
Q: How many holes in the numbers.
A: 6 = one hole, 8 = two holes. 6868 = 6.

Level 23
Q: Turn on the TV.
A: Place two fingers the broken cords.

Level 24
Q: Make the red win the race.
A: Drag word ‘red’ from the text in the race.

Level 25
Q: Find the hidden number.
A: Turn device upside down. 67.

Level 26
Q: Open the soda.
A: Shake device again and again to make soda explode.

Level 27
Q: Put the elephant into the fridge.
A: Pap fridge handle to open > put elephant in.

Level 28
Q: Turn on all lights > slide right light off screen > tap switches to turn on both lights.

Level 29
Q: 10 = 25.
A: 25 = 10.

Level 30
Q: Find the black sheep.
A: Drag word black from question > place it on a sheep to make it black.

Level 31
Q: Make the truck/bus pass though.
A: Zoom out to shrink the bus.

Level 32
Q: Do the multiplication first, according to PEMDAS.
A: 4+5*5-2 = 4+25-2 = 27.

Level 33
Q: Help the poor turtle.
A: Flip device to turn turtle right side up.

Level 34
Q: Let the cat in the door.
A: Turn your device over to make door open > place cat in.

Level 35
Q: Who tells the truth?
A: ‘three of us are liars’.

Level 36
A: Push button and word ‘button’ at same time.

Level 37
A: Total of 10 balls.

Level 38
Q: Correct 4+5=19.
A: Place finger over 1 for five seconds to make 4+5=9.

Level 39
Q: Click on the cat below.
A: Click all 3 cats at the same time.

Level 40
Q: 1 cherry is 10 > 1 banana is 2. 2 cherries and 6 bananas.
A: 32.


The Answer Key Tricky Puzzle Brain Test Level 40 - 60

Level 41
Q: Make them fall in love.
A: Drag balloons top left corner and pop them.

Level 42
A: Take second L out of ‘Level 42’ and place it in text.

Level 43
Take Screenshot before you tap to memorize numbers.

Level 44
Q: What is the tallest building.
A: Shake device to destroy all except one.

Level 45
Q: Find the right cat.
A: Swipe cats from right to left. The true cat is on the right.

Level 46
Q: Find the bull.
A: Take ‘red’ from “Reddit” and use to make the Bull charge ‘red’.

Level 47
Q: The siblings were 3 and 12.
A: Combined age is 25.

Level 48
Q: 3+8=11.
A: All equations are wrong.

Level 49
A: Save the three pets by tapping them at the same time.

Level 50
Q: Solve 1000+50=6050.
A: Take 50 from ‘Level 50’ > place next to 50 (1000+5050)=6050.

Level 51
Zoom out on image to find socks.

Level 52
First, click the crack portion with two fingers and tap on car.

Level 53
Salt + ice water for Timmy.

Level 55
shake device to open soda.

Level 56
move question down below cats.

Level 57
answer is 4

Level 58
Grab bulb from right top corner > drag over screen to light up and find the cat.

Level 59
Tap clock over and over to break it > tap car.

Level 60


The Answer Key Tricky Puzzle Brain Test Level 71-80

Level 61
shake device.

Level 62
break biscuit with two fingers.

Level 63
Answer is 6.

Level 64

Level 65
Shake device to make them carsick.

Level 67
Tap wallet in his pocket > after failing tap again on wallet

Level 68
7 circles

Level 69
Turn device to turn him.

Level 70
Grab shovel and dig it up > bone will come out > give it to dog.

Level 71
turn 9 to a 6 by turning your device 180 degrees.

Level 72
Tap on both wire ends.

Level 73
1 dot.

Level 74
Help cat by turning the cat’s side and mouse will slide down to cat.

Level 75
Shake device to find the strong one.

Level 76
Grab ‘I’ from question text and put it on the scream.

Level 77
Grab sign from the equation and make -999

Level 78
Find the pairs and win the game

Level 79

Level 80
first click blue word > tap orange word > tap red word.


The Answer Key Tricky Puzzle Brain Test Level 81 - 100

Level 81
Question: Remove 6 sticks and make it a 10.
Answer: Make it a 10 in letters (TEN).

Level 82
Question: Make this equation correct. X/Y=(12/2)-2
Answer: You can drag any number from the screen. Use level ’82’ to make 8/2=(12/2)-2

Level 83
Question: Our cat is still hungry.
Answer: Take out a match, light it and fire the cannon.

Level 84
Question: I want 9 candies, please.
Answer: It requires more than one turn to drop it all. Turn your phone upside down then shake.

Level 85
Question: Click them from low to high.
Answer: 578 is at the lowest level. Order from bottom to top.

Level 86
Question: Don’t tell me you forgot to buy his birthday present.
Answer: I see a giftbox on the screen, look below.

Level 87
Question: He must get to his car to escape the zombies.
Answer: Drag the man right side down and then left bottom.

Level 88
Question: How many squares are there?
Answer: 0

Level 89
Question: Press the button 1 times
Answer: You can edit the question text as you see fit. make 100 into 1.

Level 90
Question: The fisherman is having a terrible day, help him catch a fish.
Answer: There might be a worm inside those apples 🙂

Level 91
Q: She is so sad, please cheer her up.
A: Set the time on the clock to 12 o’clock.

Level 92
Q: Help this frog fly.
A: Cut his breath for a while. Tap and hold the frogs mouth.

Level 93
Q: Pick the biggest number possible.
A: Try news angels to see the biggest number there. Rotate your phone then tap 8.

Level 94
Q: How many rectangles are there?
A: Maybe you can try separating them. Answer is 4.

Level 95
Q: Catch the mouse.
A: You don’t have to go through the maze. Go around.

Level 96
Q: Click on green 3 times, blue on 10 times and red on 5 times.
A: Blue’s counter is lying. So count yourself.

Level 97
Q: Click on the calves please.
A: Drag cows together so they kiss. Tap heart.

Level 98
Q: How many cubes are there?
A: Look at the edges, and consider the ones not visible from this angle. Answer is 10.

Level 99
Q: Spot the differences.
A: They are identical so 0.

Level 100
Q: Today is Jim’s 2nd birthday. Light the candles for him.
A: light first candle with match, and second with the lighted candle.

The Answer Key Tricky Puzzle Brain Test Game All Levels 1-100 + Walkthrough. Following are the key answers to the tricky puzzle brain test game of all levels and walkthroughs. This game is popular all over the world, where users have only reached 84,000. quite fantastic with this new game but already famous.